President’s Blog – March 2012
From the President
Greetings ACS colleagues,
It’s certainly been another busy time for the ACS.
I’ve just returned from France where I attended the IMAGO Annual General Assembly. My full report is available online and although quite long, I believe it to be a very comprehensive report on the goings on at IMAGO.
There wasn’t a great deal of discussion in regard to Authorship Rights, one of my hobby horses, and this did cause me some concern, particularly given the fact, that at this time, one of our members has been constantly in the courts fighting to have himself recognised as the Author of a particular project. I’m very saddened by this, because I wonder if there was more we could have done to assist him. I can only hope this doesn’t happen again, but sadly it might, simply because there is not a great deal in place to protect the disadvantaged individual, should they be a cinematographer, who decides to take it on.
I really hope that sometime in the near future cinematographers will be recognized as co-authors of a film.
Until next time,
Ron Johanson ACS
National President
- President’s Report – IMAGO General Assembly, Paris 2012 »– Follow this link for a full report from the Paris Conference.