President’s Blog – January 2013

President’s Blog – January 2013

Greetings ACS colleagues and friends,

Well here we go again…once more into the breach!

I wish you all a very successful 2013 and hope that there is work a plenty, and progress for us as individuals and as an industry.

We, as cinematographers will no doubt be called upon to defend our basic rights and I assure you we’ll press on regardless of the numerous obstacles placed in front of us.

In recent months the Society has observed an increase in the number of Australian taxpayer funded films being shot by overseas cinematographers. We have voiced our objections to this unnecessary practice, given the fact there are many Australian cinematographers more than capable and available to shoot these films. We have worked closely with Drew Macrae from the MEAA in an attempt to bring it to a halt, and let common sense prevail.

We ask Screen Australia and all the funding bodies to make it clear that only Australian crew will be considered for these productions. The Society has had very positive discussions with Producer, Tim White who ultimately assigned ACS member Nigel Bluck, from New Zealand as DOP to the production Son of a Gun, after initially wanting to retain a French cinematographer. We thank Tim and Director, Julius Avery for their support, as it was a vexing decision for them to consider.

With regard to David Michod’s The Rover, the decision to employ an overseas DP with what appears to be Screen Australia’s endorsement is very disappointing and the Society feels an explanation from Screen Australia, along with their future policy about this particular matter is not an unreasonable request.

The ACS is more than happy to advise, collaborate and cooperate with any Producers, Directors or Funding bodies in order to remove this methodology from our Australian industry.

Congratulations to Dick Marks OAM, Heidi Tobin, Ted Rayment ACS and the entire AC Magazine team. What a fantastic issue we received in December. Just fantastic!!

I attended an IMAGO extraordinary meeting in November in Poland and have included my report for your reading pleasure. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’m due to be heading to Brussels in mid-February for the actual vote to determine if we, as Associate members of IMAGO will be granted Full voting rights. This is quite a step and I believe it is time for IMAGO to welcome all of us Associate member countries as Full members.

I’ve also included a Camerimage report by NSW member Josh Freestone.
See you in the New Year and good shooting.

Until next time,
Ron Johanson ACS

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