Congratulations to all our QLD & NT Award Winners

2013 QLD & NT Annual Awards for Cinematography

CAT 1: Student Cinematography

Gold: Robert Bakken for Rain
Gold: Lucas Tomoana for The Fall
Gold: Brian Loewe for Cigarettes
Silver: Lucas Tomoana for Break
Silver: Hanley Zheng for Ultramarine
Bronze: Lucas Tomoana for Daphne

CAT 2: Experimental & Specialised

Gold: Jeff Gaunt for Sunland
Gold: Jeff Gaunt for Starscapes
Bronze: Brad Francis for Goldroom

CAT 3: John Bowring ACS TV Station Breaks / Promos

Gold: Tony Luu ACS for Selling Houses Australia “The Quest”
Gold: Tony Luu ACS for Biggest Loser – Titles
Silve: Matthew Peterson for ESPN Hellweek – Dicks
Silver: Haitham A. A. Zannita for Hakayet Hayat (The Story of Hayat) Promo

CAT 4: Music Clips

Gold: Matthew Peterson for Let Me See That Ponytail Run
Gold: Jaymis Loveday for Little Scout “March Over To Me”
Gold: Brad Francis for Thelma Plum “Dollar”
Silver: Hanley Zheng for CVIRO “187”
Silver: Brad Francis for Loon Lake “On Fire”
Silver: Shayne Cantly for Sara Storer “Tears”
Bronze: Jaymis Loveday for Tara Simmons “Weekend of Hearts”
Bronze: Gerard Lambkin ACS for The Good Ship “Sin City Sweetheart”
Bronze: Dr Dominik Muench for Awaken Solace – The Passing

CAT 5: News – Local / Regional

No Entries Received

CAT 6: Neil Davis International News

Gold: Joel Lawrence for Fukushima Water
Silver: Cameron Bauer for Brit Anzacs
Bronze: Joel Lawrence for USS GW Pivot to Asia

CAT 7: Current Affairs

Gold: Matthew Peterson for West Texas
Silver: Cameron Bauer for Greece – The Odyssey
Silver: Stephen Cavenagh for ABC The 7:30 Report ‘Snake’
Bronze: Cameron Bauer for The mother of all wealth funds
Bronze: Cameron Bauer for Murder Island
Bronze: Cameron Bauer for Greece

CAT 8: TV Magazine, Lifestyle & Reality

Gold: Kristy Campbell for MTV Lenovo CO:LAB – Making of Video
Gold: Leigh Hubner for Sunday Night – Oklahoma Tornado
Bronze: Christopher Malcolm Deadman for Great South East – Boggo Road Gaol

CAT 9: Corporate & Educational

Gold: Graeme McMahon for Place
Silver: Lincoln Williams for Evolve Skateboards – Bamboo Series
Silver: Graeme McMahon for Blue Tower
Bronze: Dan Graetz for Technology One – Corporate Video
Bronze: Christopher Malcolm Deadman for Kinnon & Co – Starlight Spectacular Show

CAT 10: Web & New Media

Gold: Gerard Lambkin ACS for The CLoakroom “Mannequin”
Gold: Kristy Campbell for MTV Lenovo CO:LAB Vignette – Japan
Gold: Paul Seipel for Investwell
Silver: Kristy Campbell for MTV Lenovo CO:LAB Vignette – Singapore
Silver: Matthew Peterson for LEVI’s Russell Westbrook & Walk Clyde Frazier
Bronze: Matthew Floyd for – Perth
Bronze: Brad Francis for Rescue Mum
Bronze: Gerard Lambkin ACS for Smiddy – Stan’s Story

CAT 11. Documentaries, Cinema & TV

Silver: Lincoln Williams for Mad Way South
Silver: Cathy Henkel for SHow Me the Magic

CAT 12: Ron Taylor AM ACS Wildlife / Nature

Bronze: Joshua Zaine for Bushwhacked Series One – Cassowary
Bronze: Joshua Zaine for Bushwhacked Series One – Honey Ants

CAT 13: Virtual Cinematography

Gold: Jeff Gaunt for Subaru SV Hybrid

CAT 14: Commercials – Local / Regional

Gold: Jason Hargreaves ACS for Queesland Health – STOP HIV
Silver: Brad Francis for Queen Essence TVC
Bronze: Jason Hargreaves ACS for APG Homes
Bronze: Tony Luu ACS for Energex “Heading Home”
Bronze: Jason Hargreaves ACS for Movieworld – Follow The Magic

CAT 15: Commercials – National / International

Gold: Robert Humphreys ACS for Yellowglen ‘Sparkle’
Gold: Aron Leong ACS for FV Hospital “If It Wasn’t For You”
Silver: Jeffrey Hogan for Digicel Myanmar
Silver: Robert Humphreys ACS for Chrysler ‘Antham’
Silver: Brad Dillon ACS for Brunei Tourism Board
Bronze: Jason Hargreaves ACS for Good Start Early Learning Centre – First 5 Years
Bronze: Aron Leong ACS for Zurich “Wise Words”
Bronze: Simon Christidis ACS for Crestor

CAT 16: Dramatised Documentaries

Gold: Brad Dillon ACS for Raised Wild – The Dog Girl of Ukraine
Bronze: Brad Dillon ACS for Fatal Attractions – Hippos

CAT 17: Fictional Drama Shorts

Gold: Jason Hargreaves ACS for The Landing
Gold: Brad Francis for Man
Gold: Gerard Lambkin ACS for Great Adventures
Silver: Hanley Zheng for The Hand That Feeds
Silver: Jason Hargreaves ACS for Maiden
Silver: Cody Richardson for Twisted
Bronze: Bryan Meakin for Star Wars Downunder

CAT 18: Telefeatures, TV Drama & Mini Series

Gold: Robert Humphreys ACS for Labyrinth
Gold: John Stokes ACS for A Place to Call Home EP# 9 “Cane Toad”
Gold: John Stokes ACS for A Place to Call Home EP# 13 “Secret Love”
Silver: Haitham A. A. Zannita for Hakayet Hayat (The Story of Hayat)

CAT 19: Features – Cinema

Gold: John Toon ACS NZCS for Mr Pip
Bronze: Nino Martinetti ACS for Bad Karma

Special Awards

THEpostWORKS Student Encouragement Award

Davi Soesilo for Hereafter

Edwin Scragg Award

Sam Simpson

Judges Award

Matthew Peterson for West Texas

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