Presidents’s Blog – April

From the President

Greetings ACS colleagues,

I hope you had the time and the opportunity to view the new version of the Lake Eyre documentary on the ABC. What a fitting testament to the memories of these three fine men; John Bean ACS, Gary Ticehurst and Paul Stanley.

This was a brilliant documentary, beautifully produced and an absolute joy to watch. There is a companion book to the program that was launched recently in Sydney, which was written by Paul Stanley.

I can tell you that the design for the proposed ACS Memorial dedicated to all those cinematographers and colleagues who have lost their lives pursuing their craft has been approved and will be implemented shortly. After the official unveiling, it will take pride of place in the ACS Library.

My thanks to the team at Anifex for their incredible work in bringing this ACS initiative to fruition.

I would like, on behalf of us all to pass our collective condolences and warmest wishes onto our National Treasurer, Mylene Ludgate who lost her father recently after a prolonged illness. Mylene, our thoughts are with you, Malcolm and your family.

I’m pleased to announce that FUJIFILM are once again the Major National Sponsor of the Society for the next twelve months. I thank Marc Van Agten and the FUJIFILM/FUJINON team for their ongoing support of the Society. Also thanks to Sony who have confirmed once again they will be a Platinum sponsor.

Gold sponsors who have confirmed so far include Lemac, Kodak, Panavision, AFTRS, Cameraquip, Showreelfinder, NFSA and The Movie Network. May I thank you all for your continued support and I look forward to all our other wonderful sponsors coming on board for another year. Please support them, as they support us.

Until next time…

Ron Johanson ACS
National President

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