President’s Report – October 2014
Greetings ACS members, colleagues and friends,
October and November are both incredibly busy months for the Society at all levels, but towards the end of September, two of the most important events in our ACS calendar took place: ACS Accreditation and our National AGM. I have include my 2014 President’s Report to the Board and the National Executive for your information, and please come back to me should you have any questions relating to the report.
2014 NATIONAL AGM REPORT @ ACS HQ on 15/9/2014
A very warm welcome to you all, and particularly to Simon Akkerman ACS, who joins us as the new WA Branch President, taking over from Jason Thomas, who has led the Branch for the past 5 years and is now keen to pursue his career and spend more time with his family. A huge thanks to Jason for all his efforts…..
Click on the link below to read more:
2014-2015 National AGM Report
This wonderfully informative book of 160 pages was written by our ACS Historian and much loved Ron Windon ACS, who I commend for this truly outstanding publication, along with Heidi Tobin for her diligence and editorial skills and to David Wakeley for reviewing and proof reading the many versions before final printing.
It was also made possible to distribute the book free to all members, upon renewal of their ACS membership because of the generosity of Paul Jackson at Panavision and Nick Buchner at Sony. Panavision & Sony, Sony & Panavision, thanks to you both.
ACS Accreditation screenings were held on September 12 & 13 at the ACS National HQ. This year we had 23 applications for Accreditation, and there were 11 successful candidates.
Congratulations to all these members, who have earned the right to use the letters ACS after their name. It will be my great pleasure to present each of them with their Accreditation pin and certificate at their respective Awards presentations in November, and also at the National Awards in Hobart next year.
351 – David Brill ACS (Tasmania)
352 – Susan Stitt ACS (NSW)
353 – David Cameron ACS (NSW)
354 – Jim Frater ACS (WA)
355 – Nicola Daley ACS (NSW)
356 – Richard Fitzpatrick ACS (QLD)
357 – Matthew Peterson ACS (QLD)
358 – Jo Pickering ACS (NSW)
359 – Adam Arkapaw ACS (VIC)
360 – Mark Dobbin ACS (TAS)
361 – Iain MacKenzie ACS (NSW)
Commencing in 2015, Accreditation submissions will only be accepted from July 1 to July 31. So should you be considering applying for Accreditation next year, highlight those dates in your diary, time capsule, iphone, e-book etc.
I would like to add that I am well aware as to how disappointing it is NOT to receive your Accreditation. But I do feel it important to remember that the Accreditation Panel take their job very seriously, and consider each and every submission based on what is presented to them on the day. The opportunity does exist to have the material scrutinised at Branch level before hand, but in the end it will always be the final decision of the Panel as to whom does become an Accredited member of the Society. I ask you to respect that decision, to not be deterred and to try again.
By now you will have received the latest outstanding edition of AC Magazine No. 63, with the beautiful Sarah Snook from PREDESTINATION on the cover.
What an amazing, international standard magazine of substance and significance it is, and I cannot heap enough praise on our AC Magazine Editor; Dick Marks OAM as well as Heidi Tobin, Joanne Bouzianis- Sellick, Ted Rayment ACS and all the generous contributing writers, who make the magazine what it has become. As you know we have unfortunately lost the inspired services of Dick as magazine Editor, and are looking for a new editor, or some Guest Editors for the upcoming issues of the magazine. If you feel you can, or would like to do the job, and be part of a brilliant, creative team, please contact Ted Rayment ACS
Our National Gold sponsor, Brisbane based The Post Lounge have generously produced our 2014 -15 ACS Montage reel, which comprises excerpts from all the 2014 National Golden Tripod winning entries and a new animated ACS logo. Click on the link to take a look:
2014~2015 ACS Montage Reel
I’m off for a cuppa and to finish reading AC Magazine, so until next time…
Ron Johanson OAM ACS
National President