President’s Blog – September 2012

From the President

Greetings ACS colleagues,

It’s that time of the year when we celebrate ACS Accreditation & Awards judging. It really is a celebration of the very best we have to offer as cinematographers, no matter which genre we work in.

September is also the month for the National AGM, where all the branches’ representatives assemble to elect the new National Executive for the 2012-2013 year. It’s a real opportunity to have a voice and to put forward ideas and proposals to ensure the ACS continues to grow, and more importantly listen to the views and opinions of our members. If you have something to say, please let your Branch President know and they can table your recommendations to the meeting on September 9, or contact me at: [email protected]

Accreditation screenings will take place at the ACS HQ on September 7 & 8. We have a fantastic panel assembled this year including; David Wakeley ACS, Ellery Ryan ACS, Don McAlpine ACS ASC, Andrew Lesnie ACS ASC, Anna Howard ACS, Geoff Burton ACS, Ernie Clark ACS, Alan Cole ACS, Garry Phillips ACS and Ted Rayment ACS. David Lewis ACS and I will act as scrutineers. The successful candidates will earn the right to use the letters ACS after their name, and they will be presented with their Accreditation pin and certificate at their respective Awards presentations in October/November.

The ACS Patrons Wall of Can Do is almost full, and the generosity of the Branches must be acknowledged. I thank you for showing the confidence to reinvest your hard earned funds in the future of the National Headquarters, which incidentally, draws praise from all those who have paid a visit and enjoyed the hospitality afforded them. Welcome and thanks to the Tasmanian Branch as our latest contributors to The Wall.

Thanks to NSW member Damian Smith, who has generously given his Worrall Head to us on loan. This will enable us to position the Ross Wood Elemack dolly, Mitchell camera and now the Worrall Head in a prominent position in the HQ for all to see. We are very fortunate.

But it gets better! We now have a comprehensive list of all the wonderful books available in the Bruce Hillyard Room at the ACS HQ. After many long hours, this has finally been put in place by Ted and Anne Rayment. To see the list click on the link:
Many thanks to Ted and Anne for their fantastic work.

The ACS Mentor Scheme was re-introduced this year, with much success. Thus far we have 4 confirmed placements with cinematographers; Ridley Williams, Mark Wareham ACS, Andrew Commis ACS, Peter James ACS ASC and one still to be finalised with Dion Beebe ACS ASC.

The ACS is a proud supporter of the following competitions and events this year:
– The 48 Hour Film Project
– The Cockatoo Island Film Festival
– 19th WOW – World of Women Film Festival
– The Music Video Mash Up 2012.
– Australian Production Designers Guild Awards 2012.

In closing, I thank you all once again for the honour you have afforded me by allowing me to be your National President over the past four years. It’s been a thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding experience and I am very proud of the ACS itself, its role within our industry, the generosity of its members and the optimism we all share for the future. It is my pleasure to nominate once again for the National Presidency.

Until next time,
Ron Johanson ACS
National President

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