President’s Blog – September 2010

ACS Purchases National Headquarters.

Since the formation in 1958, the Australian Cinematographers Society (ACS) has been working towards having it’s own National Headquarters. Something similar to the ASC and the BSC, where members can gather for informal meetings, screenings, small exhibitions and other, similar activities.

This has finally come about, primarily because of the far sightedness of former ACS President and Treasurer, Bruce Hillyard ACS, who invested funds wisely and prudently and those investments are now bearing fruit.

Located at 26 Ridge St. North Sydney, the premises will be a meeting place for all members from all Branches along with visitors from the industry generally and other Guilds and Societies. Be assured, the welcome mat will be out.

The National Headquarters Committee has worked tirelessly to bring this to fruition and we will all look forward to raising the sign that will read: The Australian Cinematographers Society: John Leake OAM ACS National Headquarters, in the coming months.

The ACS website tender document has been sent to prospective suppliers. We are due to make a decision on the chosen supplier at the AGM on September 12. Thanks to all the Branches along with Fujifilm, Panasonic & Panavision for their patience and support.

Marc Van Agten has confirmed that Fujifilm will be continuing its support of the ACS HQ, but with a new name: Fuji – ACS HQ Support Fund. This has been an exciting initiative between the Society and our Major National Sponsor, Fujifilm, and I thank them on behalf of the Society.

Our 2010 State & Territory Awards are literally around the corner. Entry forms for all branches will be released very soon, so it’s time to start thinking about what you’re going to enter.

Budapest, Hungary is the host city of the World Cinematography Conference in November this year. The ACS has been invited by the HSC to attend and will be represented by cinematographers Laszlo Baranyai ACS HSC and Peter James ACS ASC. They will be screening the films “Noise” & “Mao’s Last Dancer.”

I’ve always been a strong advocate for supporting our own local industry. The best way to do this is to go see an Aussie film, not only because it’s home grown, but because it’s going to invariably be good. This is the case with “The Waiting City,” which is a really beautifully crafted film, with superb performances from all the cast. Our own Denson Baker ACS was behind the lens and collaborated with his wife Claire McCarthy, who directed and wrote the film. This is a must see!

Accreditation screenings will take place on 10 & 11 September. Good luck to all those that have applied this year. I’m reliably informed that John Seale ACS ASC, Peter James ACS ASC and David Burr ACS will be part of this years Accreditation panel.

National Film & Sound Archive CEO, Dr. Daryl McIntyre has confirmed that the NFSA will once again present the NFSA- ACS John Leake OAM ACS Emerging Cinematographer award at the 2011 National awards, being held on April 30, in Adelaide. Application forms won’t be available for some time, but having said that, watch this space!

Our Can Do Raffle closing date has been extended to Friday, October 1. The draw will now take place on Thursday, October 14 at the NSW Branch Clubhouse evening at Engine, 47 Herbert St. Artarmon NSW.

It’s important to keep selling those tickets, so we can meet our target and ensure someone walks away with the $15,000 first prize.

Need more tickets? contact us and I’ll send them to you without delay.

Sold your tickets? First, a really big thank you!! Please send the stubs with the money to ACS National Treasurer, Mylene Ludgate, 3 Heron Way Hallett Cove SA 5158.

ACS member, Marc Windon heads up The Filmmakers Factory. On the evening of September 30 at the Oxford Art Factory in Sydney the Film Incubator: Creative Market & Licensing Expo will take place.

The ACS will be one of the exhibitors, and on offer to all ACS members is a 50% discount on screening and presenting their showreels. The normal cost is $190, but at 50% less, that’s only $95 and it includes iPhone, iPad, DVD and YouTube distribution. If you want to book, call Marc Windon direct on 0403 658 008.

Click on the link for the very flash brochure:

Difficulty paying your ACS subs?

In these lean times, the Society appreciates and fully understands that there can be difficulties being employed sufficiently enough from year to year. If you are in this position, and finding it hard to make ends meet, and you wish to maintain your membership, please contact your local President to discuss what options are available.

Alternatively you can contact the National President on 0413 264 400. We sincerely value all of our members and will do what is reasonable for you to continue your membership of the ACS. Any enquiry will be in strictest confidence.

Finally, the National AGM will take place on September 12, in Sydney. All Executive positions will be made vacant at that time. I thank you all for the honour you have afforded me, by allowing me to be your National President over the past twelve months. It’s been a thoroughly enjoyable experience but we still have much more to do and achieve together.

Until next time….

Ron Johanson ACS
Federal President

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