President’s Blog – October 2012

From the President
Greetings ACS friends and colleagues,
The month of September featured two very important events in the ACS calendar. Firstly there was the Annual General Meeting of the Society, where the Branch delegates assembled at the National Headquarters and the following were elected as National Office Bearers for 2012-2013.
National President: Ron Johanson ACS (QLD)
Vice President: Ernie Clark ACS (SA)
Vice President: Alan Cole ACS (VIC)
Secretary: David Wakeley ACS (NSW)
Asst. Secretary: David Burr ACS (NSW)
Treasurer: Mylene Ludgate (SA)
Asst. Treasurer: Ernie Clark ACS (SA)
Below is part of my President’s Report to the AGM:
“In closing I would like to remind you all that we continue to experience growth and change within the Society. This will continue as we come to terms with ever changing technologies and the requirements of our members and indeed, the perception of who a cinematographer is and what is the job description. We have collectively achieved a lot, but need to continue to give our members, sponsors and supporters a strong and cohesive ACS. We will need to be conscious of the fact that our members need to feel they are getting value for money, and that they do indeed get that value by providing events for them that confirm this. All Branches must provide events for members, no matter how large or how small. I propose that a minimum of four events be planned by each Branch, for each year, and I don’t believe that this is too much to expect. It’s important we encourage and foster the next group of leaders to step forward and take the ACS into the next phase of growth. If we don’t we do so knowing full well the outcome may be a negative one. The ACS has a responsibility to consult with industry like never before, as we are being looked at for leadership and we must provide it”.
ACS 2012 Accreditations
ACCREDITATION was the other very important event held during September at the National Headquarters. Accreditation is the highest honour presented to a member, and the Accredited cinematographer shall have the right to use the letters “ACS” after his or her name.
We had an outstanding Accreditation Panel comprising: Chair – Ernie Clark ACS, Ron Johanson ACS, David Wakeley ACS, Ellery Ryan ACS, Don McAlpine ACS ASC, Andrew Lesnie ACS ASC, Anna Howard ACS, Geoff Burton ACS, Alan Cole ACS, Garry Phillips ACS, Ted Rayment ACS, Roger Lanser ACS, along with David Lewis ACS as Scrutineer and Alexis Castagna as Asst. Scrutineer.
I’m pleased to confirm the names of the 7 cinematographers representing a wide range of genres, who were Accredited after screenings held on 7 & 8 September 2012.
Jason Hargreaves ACS (QLD -337#)
Brad Dillon ACS (QLD -338#)
Justin Hanrahan ACS (NSW – 339#)
Simon Chapman ACS (NSW – 340#)
Lachlan Milne ACS (NSW – 341#)
Greig Fraser ACS (VIC -342#)
Trent Butler ACS (TAS – 343#)
These members join the 336 already Accredited since the inception of Accreditation in 1963. They will have their certificates and Accreditation pins presented at their State & Territory Awards in November.
I thank you all once again for the honour of being your National President over the past four years. It’s been a thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding experience and I am very proud of the ACS, it’s role within our industry, the generosity of our members and the optimism we have for the future.
Until next time, enjoy the read.
Ron Johanson ACS
- Australian Cinematographers Society Accredition »– For a more information on Accreditation, follow this link.