President’s Blog – March 2011

Greetings ACS colleagues,

The countdown is now truly on for the opening of the ACS HQ being only hours away. There will be a COMMEMORATIVE MEMBERS NIGHT on March 17, to which you should have received an invitation. I look forward to welcoming you on that evening to a truly historic event for the ACS.

There have been many people responsible for the transformation of the vacant building we purchased into our National HQ/Clubhouse. None more than Project manager; David Lewis ACS, Designer; Dee Molineaux, along with Tony Moss, Ron Windon ACS, Ted Rayment ACS, David Burr ACS, Lester Bishop and David and Marianne Wakeley. Our gratitude and thanks for your hard work and dedication over and above the call. Thanks also to all those who pitched in when they had a spare moment or whenever they were asked, and to our Sponsors and ACS Patrons for their generosity and support. Once you visit the ACS HQ you will see the dream that has become a reality.

Congratulations to Wally Pfister ASC on receiving the Academy Award this year for his outstanding cinematography on Christopher Nolan’s film, INCEPTION. To all the other winners and particularly the Aussies who did so well, heartiest congratulations.

ACS member Raeburn Trindall ACS, will be the host of the first special exhibition to be held at the HQ. The photographic exhibition, supported by EPSON is titled

Memories of a Cinematographer on Assignment by Raeburn Trindall ACS

The exhibition will be open to all members from Tuesday April 5 to Tuesday April 12. Exhibition times will be available shortly.

Keep in mind the HQ/Clubhouse is there for all to utilise. Enjoy a coffee in the Bruce Hillyard room, explore the Robert Feeney ACS Archive, surf the interactive display that is the ACS Hall of Fame or simply take in the ambience.

I’ll see you there….make mine a flat white!

Until next time…
Ron Johanson ACS
National President

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