President’s Blog – July 2014

Greetings ACS colleagues,

What a fantastic time it’s been of late, with the National Awards in Brisbane, Cine Gear, ACS HQ events, the Miller raffle presentation, ARRI presentation of the historic 435, various Branch events, to name but a few, among numerous highlights.

Our Society is continuing our policy of giving members as many benefits as possible, and I think we’re achieving that and more. Please pay your part by letting me know if you feel there are more specific things we could be doing to improve overall. I welcome your input.


State and Territory Awards

Entries will be open soon, so start thinking about your entries now. You will notice we now have a new Awards category, which reflects our policy to encourage the “grass roots” level of our industry…our ACS CineKids, who will be able to enter their work for the first time this year.

Should you wish your child to join as an ACS CineKid please click on the link for more information, or if you have any questions please contact me on 0413 264400.


Productions shot by ACS CineKids members who are 15 years old or under. Winners receive a Framed Certificate

Please support this incredibly worthy initiative by promoting the concept of becoming an ACS CineKids member and then entering into the Awards. The long-term benefits for us all are self-evident.

Until next time…
Ron Johanson OAM ACS
National President

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