President’s Blog – July 2012
President’s Blog – July 2012
From the President
Greetings ACS colleagues,
Well, June certainly was a busy month for the Society. Most of what took place can be reviewed in this issue. However, I want to remind you of a number of things that I’m sure would be of interest.
This new financial year sees once again our incredibly generous National Sponsors supporting the Society in their usual way. A warm welcome to our new Major National Sponsor, Fujinon and to a new Platinum Sponsor in Canon. All of our sponsors, both at a National and a Branch level, support us without question, and I believe it is up to us, at all levels, to support them in return at every opportunity.
ACS Accreditation
ACS Accreditation screenings will take place in Sydney in early September. If you’ve been a Full member for 3 years or longer and intend to apply for Accreditation, it’s time to start putting your presentation in place as submissions close on August 30.
Contact either your Branch President or myself – [email protected] – for an application form and any other advice or information you may require.
The Shadowcatchers Launch
The Shadowcatchers; A History of Cinematography in Australia, by our very own Martha Ansara, was officially launched at AFTRS in early June. This truly historic and memorable book has 388 pages of history, photographs, anecdotes and more photographs.
If you haven’t as yet purchased your copy, I suggest you do so soon, as the Limited Edition copy has now sold out, but the Standard Edition is still available, although it to is selling quickly. Order your copy at:
State & Territory AGMs
State & Territory Branch AGMs will be taking place very soon. I ask each and every one of you to consider playing a more proactive role in the Society by putting up your hand to be part of a Branch committee. It is a very rewarding position and enables you to have direct input into the future and the ongoing success of our Society. If you’d like more information please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected]
State & Territory Awards
ACS State & Territory Awards entries will open in early August and entry will only be online via the website.
It is time to start thinking about preparing your entries for the Awards presentations, which will take place during late October into November. Presentation dates as follows:
Saturday 27 October
SA & WA Annual Awards for Cinematography
Hotel Grand Chancellor on Hindley, Hindley St, Adelaide
Saturday 10 November
QLD & NT Annual Awards for Cinematography
The Tivoli, 52 Costin Street, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane
Saturday 17th November
NSW & ACT Annual Awards for Cinematography
The Masonic Centre, Sydney
Saturday 24 November
VIC & TAS Annual Awards for Cinematography
The ANZ Pavilion, Victorian Arts Centre
ACS Mentor Scheme
A further reminder that the ACS has a Mentor scheme in place should any member require it. All you have to do is request a cinematographer you’d like to have as a mentor, and we’ll endeavour to organise it for you. To get things started simply contact National President; Ron Johanson ACS at [email protected] with all your details.
Thus far Queensland member, Andrew Bogan is working with Ridley Williams, NSW member James Hall with Jules O’Loughlin ACS, and Victorian member Michael Dearnley is awaiting confirmation of his mentor.
This ACS Mentor scheme is available to all members and I encourage you to think seriously about considering being a participant, both as a mentor and a mentee.
Honorary Student Member
At the recent National Executive meeting, a letter was presented by NT Branch President; Andrew Hyde, from young Northern Territorian, Maximilien Hussey.
Dear Andrew.
My name is Maximilien and I run a short film company called Scratch’n Productions. I am10 years old. My dad is a member of the ACS and I would like to become one as well. The problem is that I am much too young to be a member.
My idea is that the ACS should have a junior account for the young cinematographers of the future. You could then take this idea to the ACS meeting is Sydney and discuss the idea with the other members. Please do this.
My career is in your hands.
Yours, Maxim Hussey
As a result, the Executive unanimously decided to make Maximilien an Honorary Student member of the NT branch and to encourage and assist him in his future endeavours.
I have since received further correspondence from both Maxim and his father, cinematographer Stephen Cavanagh, along with some photographs. Maxim’s letter is below:
It certainly makes for a nice feeling.
Until next time…
Ron Johanson ACS
National President