President’s Blog – January 2012

From the President

Greetings ACS colleagues,

A very warm Happy New Year to you all and may it be a successful, peaceful and prosperous one.

I’m looking forward to getting back to work, as no doubt many of you are. I’m also looking forward to the next phase of growth for the Society. I know I’m repeating myself, but we’ve come so far in such a short time and we must collectively continue to seek out ideas and other ways to increase the growth and profile of the Society. If you have any suggestions please don’t hesitate to contact me.

I thought it was very fitting that at the finish line of this year’s Sydney – Hobart yacht race the crew of Wild Oats 11, scattered the ashes of Gary Ticehurst. Gary will always be remembered with great affection by the ACS and particularly all those who had the privilege to not only fly with him, but spend time in his company.

The Shadowcatchers is proving to be a very popular book, with sales of the Limited Edition copy moving along nicely. You can secure your copy of either the Limited Edition or the Standard Edition by going to the website and placing your order.

Visit the Shadowcatchers website

I want to pass on our collective positive thoughts to all those ACS members who are doing it a bit tough at this time. Be assured, we’re all there with you and send you nothing but best wishes.

I look forward to catching up with as many members as I can during the year and hope to see as many as possible attend the National Awards in Sydney on May 5.

Until next time…

Ron Johanson ACS
National President

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