President’s Blog ~ August 2014
Greetings ACS colleagues and friends,
With so much turmoil in the world at this time, we often refer to the “tyranny of distance” when talking about where Australia is situated globally, but in these times it really hits home just how small the world has become.
I speak of course about the downing of Malaysian airlines in the Ukraine, along with the ongoing oppression in that region, the Israel ˆ Palestinian conflict and dramatic, heart wrenching stories from other areas, and even here at home.
These events see not only our own ACS members working in news, but cinematographers globally who work in this field, putting their lives on the line on a daily basis to keep the world informed.
I’m sure you will agree that these committed and passionate men and women need to know that they are in our thoughts and prayers, now more than ever.
Entries for our 2014 ACS Awards for Cinematography, with this year seeing for the first time, the Northern Territory Branch hold their own Awards presentation will be opening very shortly.
I encourage you all to select your best work to submit for judging, in order to give yourself the best chance possible of going straight through to the Nationals in Hobart next year.
It’s always great to receive the very popular “Postcards from…” and to hear who’s shooting what and where. Please take a moment to let us all know what you‚re up to, so we can post on the website and in the E News.
Last and by no means least, thanks to all our National Sponsors who continue their overwhelming support of the Society. I ask you all to support all our ACS sponsors, National and State & Territory in the manner in which they support us, with generosity and loyalty. Special welcome to new National Supporters; The very supportive Lester Bishop – BLACK BISHOP FILMS and EONE along with our new Bronze sponsor; CINESURE.
Until next time…
Ron Johanson OAM ACS
National President