President’s Blog – August 2010

I want to begin this months E NEWS by congratulating NSW member Stephen Windon ACS on his Emmy nomination for his outstanding cinematography in the Mini series or Movie category on “The Pacific” Ep.9. Great effort Steve, we’ll all have our fingers crossed for you.

The closing deadline is rapidly approaching for the ACS CAN DO RAFFLE. The closing date is the end of August and the prizes will be drawn on September 12. I ask you to please support the Society in this major fundraising initiative. As the old saying goes, “you’ve gotta be in it to win it!”

Our STATE & TERRITORY AWARDS are rapidly approaching. Probably a good time to decide what you’ll be entering this year. Entry forms will be available soon.

The Awards presentation dates are:

  • SA/WA Saturday, November 6
  • QLD/NT Saturday, November 13
  • NSW/ACT Saturday, November 20
  • VIC/TAS Saturday, December 4

The 2011 National Awards will be held at the end of April in Adelaide.

ACCREDITATION screenings take place in Sydney on September 10 & 11. If you’ve been a Full member for 3 years or longer and intend to apply for Accreditation, it’s time to start putting your presentation in place, as entries close at the end of August. Contact your Branch President for an application form and any other relevant details you may require.

The ACS WEB COMMITTEE is finalising the new tender document and it will be sent to a select group of prospective suppliers very soon. It is the intention to finalise the decision as to who will be the successful company at the September 12 AGM.

I’ve had initial discussions with Dick Marks OAM regarding an ACS MENTOR SCHEME. The scheme would roll out initially in Tasmania and I have agreed to be the first ACS mentor on a short film to be produced and shot in Tasmania during August. If successful, there will be other short films that could require mentors, not only in Tasmania but hopefully around Australia.

This initiative is the brainchild of ACS Life Member, Dick Marks OAM, whose passion and love for the film industry is respected and widely known. If any Accredited cinematographer would be interested in participating in the program, please contact me for more details.

I want to raise the subject once again regarding a VIRTUAL CINEMATOGRAPHY CATEGORY. Please take the time to read the information in the section below, as well as some responses to the Virtual Cinematography survey, commissioned last year.

Keep your eyes open for a guest appearance by RUSSELL BOYD ACS ASC in the latest Virgin Money TVC. Nice one, Russ!

I think that’s enough for you all to digest this month, apart from once again congratulating the ACS HQ Committee on the impending purchase of our National Headquarters.

Until next time….

Ron Johanson ACS
Federal President

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