KODAK’s Leigh Christensen announces his intention to retire

Brisbane, Australia, November 16th. – Leigh Christensen, Account Manager Kodak Entertainment Imaging has announced his intention to retire at the end of 2011after 33 years of dedicated service.

Leigh’s association with film started soon after leaving school when he join the Royal Australian Air Force and while there studied for a Diploma in Photography, majoring in cinematography. He pursued a stills photography career for a while and then opened up his own scuba diving business in NSW which unfortunately (or fortunately for Kodak and the Australian motion picture industry) came to an abrupt end when his boat and gear caught fire and sank. It was at this stage he rekindled his passion for film and joined Kodak as an Account manager in the motion picture division.

Over his 33 year career with Kodak, Leigh has received numerous industry accolades including the Australian Cinematography Society (ACS) Frank Hurley Award for services to the industry (1991), the Kinetone Award for services to the Queensland Film & Television industry (1999) and was made an honorary member of the ACS Queensland branch in 1994. In addition he has served as a committee member to the Queensland branch of the ACS since 1982 including four years as vice president.

Ron Johanson, President ACS says, “I thank Leigh on behalf of a grateful industry, particularly here in Queensland, where he has supported, nurtured, fostered, molly coddled, advised and been a father figure to so many. As a friend and confidante, there is none better, he possesses a level of integrity, wisdom and good old fashioned common sense that is second to none.”

“Leigh’s positive attitude, passion and dedication to his role and the motion picture industry in Australia are unsurpassed and he has been an integral part of Kodak’s success over many years”, says Darren Swenson, General Manager Entertainment Imaging Australia and New Zealand. “We will miss his extraordinary approach to both his Kodak and industry roles.”

Over the years Leigh’s passion for the motion picture industry has been successfully combined with his passion for extreme sports and he has often been seen arriving at customer premises or industry events (with his faithful buddy Barney) nursing cracked ribs or worse. Regardless of what retirement holds for Leigh we are sure he will approach it with the same enthusiasm in which he has approached his entire career.

“It has been a privilege working with Leigh over the years”, says Ingrid Goodyear, Regional General Manager Asia Pacific and Vice President Kodak Entertainment Imaging. “He has been a friend and a mentor to so many and I congratulate him on a truly distinguished career.”

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