CINE SURVEY ~ Please take a few minutes to help out.

Dear Cinematographers,

Lenses are one of the most important tools to create a look in film and television. In times of 4K/8K and Ultra High definition, lens manufacturers are developing a new generation of lenses.

Therefore this is the right time to ask: Which lenses would camera people want to work with?

With this survey

the Center for the Study of Film Technology and the Technical Department of theUniversity of Television and Film Munich want to assess the positions and wishes of cinematographers, in order to integrate those into the technological process. Accordingly, they would like to cooperate with Camera Associations and camera people all over the world. Representatives of lens manufacturers manifested a high interest in the results.

The results will be presented at the annual meeting of the European Optical Society in September 2014 in Berlin and at the Cinec in September 2014 in Munich. They shall also be published in professional articles and on the internet. If you would like a copy of the results of the survey, please send an email with the subject “Results Lens Survey” to

Thanks a lot for your participation!

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter C. Slansky & Katrin Richthofer

University for Television and Film
Bernd-Eichinger-Platz 1
80333 München



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