ACS Wall of Memory

Wall Of Memory unveiled by Ron Windon ACS

A new ACS Wall of Memory was unveiled in the Bruce Hillyard ACS Reading Room by our Historian Ron Windon ACS.

This Wall of Memory is dedicated to cinematographers and colleagues whose lives have been lost in the pursuit of their craft.

Mylene and Malcolm Ludgate ACS generously donated this beautiful piece in memory of a friend who had died accidentally, and is remembered on the Wall of Memory.

South Australian member JoAnne Bouzianis-Sellick was responsible for it’s design, manufacture and installation.

ACS Wall of Memory ~ located in the Bruce Hillyard ACS Reading Room, ACS HQ

This is a very moving tribute and is well worth taking the time to look at and reflect upon, next time you visit the ACS HQ.

Remember the HQ is there for all ACS members and Sponsors to use.

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