ACS Online Members Directory

We have noticed that not many members have taken up the option to increase their personal web presence with the online ACS members directory;

Built into this web site, it’s aim is to provide the industry with a resource of who is where, and if you have your profile complete, to show what you can do and how you can be contacted for work. It’s free to ALL financial members and is searchable by the general public.

In your profile you can include:

  • 2 web links such as Showreelfinder, iMDB or your own website.
  • An embed from viemo, youtube or other video stream hosting.
  • A detailed written bio.
  • Details of who you are represented by locally and internationally
  • and the option to hide or show your personal contact details

Remember this is free to all financial ACS members, all you have to do is go to:

or at the top right of this page, and login.

Your login details were sent out to you on the 1st of May, if you have lost your password you can use the ‘Recover password’ option or in the extreme case contact the ACS webmaster to have your details resent.


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