As you may be aware in January 2021 the ACS with research partners from Deakin University launched a world leading Camera Workforce Census that examines the quantity , type and quality of work for camera professionals in Australia. The census looked at workforce development, career progression, equity, diversity and inclusion for people working in the camera dept workforce in Australia.

To date there has been very little information and statistics of this kind in both Australia and the rest of the world. To the great credit of all that got behind this project, we were delighted to hear once the census closed that we had 1192 participants which is a remarkable number leading our researchers to declare that we were the “best research partners ever!” Such a large response rates really gives them a very solid foundation to extract their stats and insights.

At the end of March 2021 the Camera Workforce Census 2021 Steering Committee met the Research Team at Deakin University to hear some of the preliminary results with the aim of guiding the researchers analysis towards some of the more useful information that will help the ACS advocate for camera professionals and initiate policy and training programs to benefit our members and the camera workforce in Australia.

I must say some of the results were rather confronting especially with female identifying participation in the camera dept dropping off markedly after the 2nd AC level. 9% of all participants reporting they do unpaid work and the career trajectory of females based on %s in camera dept roles being the mirror opposite of the trajectory of their male counterparts resulting in the split when they reach the role of DOP being 9% female and 81% male. Participants skewed a lot younger than expected with a lot higher % of younger DPs reporting. The researchers will be able to analyse some of the WHYS behind this information which is what we really need to create effective change and training opportunities.

We look forward to the next presentation of the data analysis with the aim of releasing a comprehensive report and visual graph breakdown of all stats and results toward the end of the year that can be used to inform our members, all camera dept professionals and all policy makers both in the ACS and the wider film industry.

Meanwhile our Diversity, Inclusion and Reconciliation Committee has already started working on ideas for training and mentoring among many other initiatives.
If any of our members have skills you would like to offer up to help run a workshop or masterclass please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected].

So next time you are crewing up please consider #whosinyourcrew as the diverse teams we train up today will be reflected in our crews of tomorrow.

Carolyn Constantine ACS
VP ACS National
President ACS NSW
Co Chair Camera Workforce Census 2021 Steering Committee.

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