2011 QLD and NT Awards Wrap Up

What a Night!

In case you’ve been living under a rock, the 2011 QLD/NT ACS Awards took place last Saturday night at the Tivoli and it was a cracker! There was a very high standard of work right across the board, with plenty of Gold awards being handed out.

We were thrilled to have Kerry O’Brien in attendance as the Guest of Honour. Kerry spoke passionately about his love for the film & television industry, and the high level of respect he holds for Cinematographers. Also in attendance was Pip Courtney, wife of the late John Bean ACS, who spoke beautifully about John’s career and their life together. John was recognised by the society this year, being awarded his ACS accreditation, which Pip accepted on his behalf. Another extremely worthy recipient of accreditation was Aron Leong ACS, who proudly accepted his pin and certificate on the night.

The Edwin Scragg Award is presented each year as a tribute to Edwin Scragg ACS and the legacy he left for us. The award is presented to a person or persons who have contributed to the industry and particularly to the Society and the field of Cinematography. The very deserving recipient of this award for 2011 was Grant ‘Grunt’ Nielsen.

Grant Neilsen’s Reaction to Winning the Edwin Scragg Award

I would hazard a guess that almost all of the eventual award recipients entered the Tivoli Theatre prepared for the best case scenario, winning. However, thanks to a highly successful campaign of secrecy and deception, one remained blissfully unaware, cast unscripted into a dialogue scene in a state of high anxiety.

Immersed in this state, it was difficult to express thanks to the perpetrators of this deception, thanks guys.

More importantly, failed to communicate appreciation for the one major consistency across a career and an industry of serial inconsistency. The fact that the partnership continues twenty years on is testament to possessing monumental skills of patience and tolerance (no not me). Few, in this uncompromising industry can boast of a union of such longevity, so even if not of my doing I boast.

To my lovely, lovely wife, thanks Liz.

Love Grant

Special Thanks

Special thanks must once again go to all the sponsors and ACS committee members who helped put the night together. Without their dedication and commitment to the society the night would not have been possible.

For those members who couldn’t attend, below you can find the Winners List, Awards Programme and Image Gallery.

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