Vale – Miles Moulson

Miles Moulson Funeral
Friday 31 Oct 2014

Ann Wilson Funerals
Cnr Barrenjoey Road & Darley Street
Mona Vale NSW 2103

Everyone is welcome to attend he would love to see you all.
Dress casual colourful. He would have hated an all black funeral.
Children welcome as we all know how hard it is to get a baby sitter.

Then Mona Vale Hotel for a Drink & Food. If you can come pop in for 5 say Hi and Fly at the funeral or just the pub, it would mean so much!

If you would love to contact us

Beau 0418 400 575

Thanks guys!

Grahame Dickson – Memories of Miles Moulson

Miles, Came to Australia as a trained electrician and a semi professional soccer player who had a career with Sheffield Wednesday and Bradford. He played professional soccer in this country for St. George Budapest, he was also a handy cricketer who played grade. Due to many years of kicking a wet soccer ball about in England, he sustained ankle damage that eventually had to be fused and gave him his trade mark limp. It affected his ankles but never his heart as he had the heart of a lion.

Miles eventually had the opportunity to work at Supreme Sound a studio based in Paddington, Sydney. Where the young & arty types of the time were working & creating all types of content, tvc’s, documentaries, you name it.

He was an integral part of a group of individual that spawned greats, like Peter James, David Gribble and Russell Boyd, names that are revered. Miles worked in a time when the equipment was heavy and hot, film stocks were unforgiving and the colour had to be perfect.

Although Miles was an electrician, he wasn’t really interested in the equipment. His great skill was creativity; he worked with shape, colour and texture. He understood what the DOP was trying to do and was always striving to be a step ahead.

He also won three ACS gold awards for TVC’s he shot. He had to make a decision between ambition and family, he chose family.

Unfortunately for this beautiful humble man, his body gave up on him and we lost him to the industry. Now we have lost him altogether, our loss, my personal loss is immense.

Grahame Dickson

Peter James ACS ASC – Pays Tribute to Miles Moulson

I worked with Miles at Supreme Sound when I first started working in the film business, along with gaffers Derek Neal and Gordon Nutt, they were all English worked hard, very fit and played Soccer very well.

I did hundreds of commercials with Miles he was my gaffer. We went on to do The Irishman in North Queensland in 1977 and many other projects.

Miles enjoyed his work and it showed. He could anticipate what you may want, which made filing go so much quicker and easier. He was very helpful creatively and made an enormous contribution to the photographic look of the film.

Even on the toughest of workdays he managed to find the energy to kick the soccer ball around at lunchtime for a few minutes.

Rest in peace Miles.

Peter James ACS ASC