A Postcard from Tony Politis in Florida

A postcard from



I have been doing a dream job this last couple of weeks. I have been shooting the Space Shuttle up close and personal. The next shuttle launch is the last and they are making a big deal out of this one because not only is it the last, but when it returns to earth it will be put on permanent display at the Kennedy Space Centre. We have done everything but get inside that thing.


Right now the launch is scheduled for July 8 and they have asked me to shoot that, but as you know the launches usually get scrubbed and if it does, it could be anywhere from the next day to the next year before they actually launch.

If it does get scrubbed, I may miss the launch because it looks like I am heading back to California to work on House of Lies. That’s the pilot I worked on in February and it got picked up, so DP Peter Levy called me and offered me the B camera position.

I am adding a picture to this email so you can have a laugh at my expense. When I saw this picture all I could hear was your voice saying “Yeh, that’d be right, Politis is always looking the wrong way”.

Well, believe it or not, they had just rolled the Shuttle out of the VAB (Vertical Assembly Building) and were heading to the launch pad. While everyone was looking at the Shuttle, I looked back and there was this awesome shadow of the Shuttle on the VAB. I swung around to get a shot of the shadow…thinking all the time!… and one of the guys took a quick snap. Must have been the only 2 seconds that I wasn’t glued to the shuttle.

Like I said before, I as good as did this job for free but little do they know I would have paid them…

See you soon mate,
