A Postcard from Ben Nott ACS

A postcard from


Hi Ron,

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, but things are a little hectic right now.

The June diary thus far:

Spent 10 days in Krabi, Thailand shooting for UK grocery chain Waitrose. Krabi … OMG … what a stunningly beautiful part of the world. Groovy website ‘The Cool Hunter’ rates it as one of the 10 must visit destinations and they are right on the money.

Cut to South America … (I wish!)
Off the flight from Thailand and onto the 35 hour marathon to La Paz – Bolivia. Over there shooting the Gran Poder Festival – which I’m sure translates to “3 day drunken mad fancy dress street parade”. Very intense on the optic nerve, and loud. I was sure I would bleed from the ears any moment. Total sensory overload. Amazing.


I sat there at the crane controls gasping for breath at 11,000 feet above sea level while those mad bastards danced up a storm for hours though the cobble stoned goat tracks they call streets. The Spierig boys’ next movie is set in La Paz and the Amazon jungle and this festival features heavily in the first act, so we snuck over to shoot the wide shots and some BG plates before we return with main unit at some later date.

Dissolve to LA … Completely rooted.
American Airlines delayed us 4 hours out of La Paz. The knock on effect had us missing every connection down the line. AA then lost my luggage. Great!
Supposed to fly home tonight but now in doubt because of the volcanic ash business. The glamour of international travel is lost on me. Enjoy the snaps!

Cheers mate,
