Vale – Geoffrey Wharton ACS

It is with great sadness that I must inform the Society of the passing of Geoffrey Wharton ACS.

Geoff started as a clapper/loader on TVC’s in Brisbane in 1981, working his way through the ranks of the camera dept. on such classic Australian films as The Year of Living Dangerously, Phar Lap, Bliss and Crocodile Dundee 1 and 2 to name only a few, and during that time had the privilege of working with the likes of Russell Boyd, Paul Murphy, David Gribble, John Seale and Dean Semler among many others.

His rise was rapid and so by 1987 he was operating Steadicam on films and shooting TVC’s, winning many awards along the way, the most recent being the NSW ACS’ highest honour, the Ross Wood Snr Award in 2013.

He shot 2nd unit on large budget American films such as Red Planet and Kangaroo Jack and main unit on films such as Inspector Gadget 2 and the British TV series Hex and Merlin. In 2003 he shot the biggest budget TVC in Australian history-QANTAS “I Still Call Australia Home”, shooting in NY, London, Paris, Tokyo, Athens and many other international locations.

The early 90’s saw Geoffrey and family move to England for 5yrs, where he again established himself as a busy and respected DP, working throughout Europe and beyond.

His most recent incarnation was as Director/Cinematographer on corporate films Sunland Corp, winning a Golden Tripod in 2013 for its innovative use of time lapse.

Geoff was indeed a talented cinematographer. More than that, he was an incredibly loyal and generous friend, a loving father, and an uplifting presence on set who exuded warmth, passion and humour. People were drawn to Geoffrey.

He will be missed by many.

He leaves behind his 3 children, Nell, Matthew and Honor, their mother Nichola, his partner Amanda and her children Morgan and Philip, and sister Robin.

The Society extends its deepest condolences to them all at this incredibly sad time.

Vale Geoffrey

The ACS thanks Richard Bradshaw for his kind words.

Arrangements to follow.