Postcard from Peter Moss ACS ASC ~ On Location in North America

A postcard from

Peter Moss ACS ASC shooting “Tell the World” on Alexa Plus 4:3 Cameras


Hi ACS members.

I thought I’d send a quick postcard from North America. I’m currently in Canada shooting a period film called “Tell the World”. Alexa Plus 4:3 Cameras from Clairmont Camera in L.A. Gemini recorders recording ArriRaw and Log C being collected on SXS cards on the cameras. Old C series anamorphic lenses from Hawk. The lenses are a bit flarey and are impossible to use wide open. They’re not particularly fast so I’m having to light everything up to about T4, including interior night scenes. We also have an Angenieux Optimo 24-290mm that has been converted to anamorphic by Denny Clairmont making it 48-580mm. Enough tech stuff.

We’re on location at a border town south of Ottawa called Cornwall. There’s a bridge to the U.S. on the edge of town leading to another fairly miserable town on the U.S. side called Messina N.Y. Hot as hell here and more humid than Bangkok. The local crew are good but, surprisingly, more strictly unionized than L.A. We’ve been shooting in Heritage buildings from the mid-19th century. Low ceilings and strict rules about rigging lights etc. No room to plan much in the way of camera moves. Next week we go back to Ottawa and to the studio where we have quite a few sets to shoot and a bit more space to work in.

Hope to say hi in the clubhouse August/September.

USA 818. 913.9888
AUSTRALIA 0431.61.3868