A Postcard from Mark Wareham ACS in Calcutta

A postcard from


Hey Ron,

We are in India shooting the “Save Your Legs” feature film about a touring suburban Australian cricket team. Directed by Boyd Bo Bo Hicklin (who is playing street cricket in the background of the shot) and Produced by Robyn Kershaw and Nic Batzias. Production Designer is Paddy Reardon.

Some of the crew are; First AD Ananya Rane. Production Company India take one; Pravesh Sahni Producer

Cast; Stephen Curry, Brendon Cowell, Damon Gameau.

Pictured with me (L-R) are:
Devendra Thakkar, B camera focus puller
Jon Webb, B camera operator (who also shot the Doco ‘Save your Legs’)
Chaz Lyon A camera focus puller.

All of us pictured with B camera ARRI Alexa with 24-290 Optimo zoom on location in Calcutta.

Equipment from Gearhead Melbourne includes 15-40 and 28-76 Optimo set of Zeiss master primes.

