Ron Johanson OAM ACS

Inducted into ACS Hall of Fame – 2003

Ron commenced work in the film industry at Crawford Productions in Melbourne in 1965 as a message boy. He then progressed to being camera assistant on the popular TV series ‘Homicide’ and ‘Hunter’ working mostly with DOP Dudley Robinson. He then went freelance, and gained great experience assisting the leading Melbourne cinematographers of the day – Robin Copping ACS, Len Heitman, and Harold Koch at Senior Films. Ron says that Robin Copping had a great influence on his career, for he was impressed with Robin’s beautiful black & white cinematography.

Ron then joined Fred Schepsi’s Film House as an assistant cameraman, working a great deal with the highly creative cinematographer Volk Mol ACS. Eventually Ron returned to Senior Films and promoted to DOP on 37 episodes of the TV drama series ‘Ryan’. He was then hired as 2nd unit DOP on ‘The Hands of Corrmac Joyce’ under DOP John McClean ACS, then operated on ‘Shannon’s Mob’ and ‘Lukes Kingdom’ working with John Williams ACS and George Lowe ACS.

Ron then received a call from the Queensland production company Martin Williams Films, offering him the role of Director/DOP, so he set off with his family for sunny Queensland. He had never directed before but felt it was an opportunity too good to miss. Martin Williams Films was the leading Queensland production house and its founder Mike Williams had a reputation for fostering new talent. Ron had shot and directed many commercials and documentaries and was DoP of the feature film ‘Final Cut’ produced by Mike Williams. The first AD was Scott Hicks who then gave him the honour of being DOP for his feature ‘Freedom’ for the SAFC. He then shot second unit on ‘The Mango Tree’ and ‘The Odd Angry Shot’. Eventually Ron formed his own very successful production company ‘The Roly Poly Picture Company’ in Brisbane.

Ron was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2003 and made a life member of the Society in 2007 for his years of dedicated service to the ACS Queensland Branch and Federal Executive.

Ron served as ACS Queensland State President from 2002 to 2008. Then elected as ACS Federal President in September 2008.