Daryl Binning OAM ACS

Inducted into ACS Hall of Fame – 2004

Daryl was born Freemantle, WA. September 7 1939. As a young boy he regularly attended the local cinema. He was fascinated by the mysterious shaft of light coming out of the small holes in the back wall. Later he was producing those images and operating the equipment that produced the magic beam. His science class at Fremantle Boys High School had an old Pathe silent 35mm projector; this together with setting up 16mm educational film screenings in their theatrette, encouraged him to pursue a career in the film industry.

During the mid fifties he started shooting 16mm, covering local events for Perth’s newsreel theatrette. Exclusive Newsreels (WA) gave him a taste of the demands of newsreel coverage. He then joined Aeronautical Research Laboratories in Melbourne “Photographer-Cine’. This job meshed in nicely with his newly acquired Pilot’s Licence. In 1962 Daryl secured a position with the Department of Territories on a crew that was to form the first government film unit based in Port Moresby. It was exciting times as the country was gearing up for independence.

ATN7 news editor Greg Ell then offered him a cameraman’s position in Sydney. Some of the ATN crew, were ACS members and Daryl became a member of the NSW Branch in 1964. He met many names that would then become ACS legends and friends; Bruce Hillyard, Jack Gardiner, Phil Pike, John Leake, Peter Menzies, Ron Windon, Ditmar Fill and many others. In December 1964 Daryl and wife Wilma returned to Port Moresby where he setup the first local production business ‘Film New Guinea’ shooting TV and newsreel items. But in 1967 Daryl and family decided to return to Perth where Daryl joined Alex McPhee snr and Leith Goodall at the Education Dept’s film unit.

Later he went stringing for ABC TV and was appointed State rep for Australian Movie Magazine, following the amalgamation of the two Australian newsreels Cinesound and Movietone. In 1968 Daryl was instrumental in establishing a branch of the ACS in WA, Alex McPhee snr was elected President with Daryl as State Secretary; a position he held for many years. Later he was appointed State President.

Daryl Binning, a man for all seasons. As well as his role as a cinematographer he developed sound transfer and recording equipment, set up location lighting trucks and served the industry from time to time as a gaffer as well as a cinematographer. Daryl was accredited in 1972 and for his hard work and dedication over many years he was awarded Life Membership of the Society in 1997 and inducted into the ACS Hall of Fame in 2004.

Daryl was awarded Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in the General Division for service to the film industry in the Australia Day honours, 2024.