Vale – Tibor Vagyóczky HSC 3/10/2022


Tibor was the sweetest of men.

As a previous IMAGO President one of my most pleasurable experiences was presenting him with the Imago Award for his services to the Federation in 2002 in Budapest. The pleasure was to witness the pleasure for him from his Hungarian colleagues. As an ex-President of the HSC he was much loved and to receive the Award in the later part of his life was to him such a joyous occasion, especially to be at a surprise reception with his friends.

The cleverest move on a visit to Budapest was to avoid being driven by Tibor in his little car. His eccentricity extended to the opening of the Budapest IAGA when he appeared with his family early in the day, wished the assembly a productive time and left to go shopping !

Imago and the ACS expresses our deepest sadness and appreciation for his life devoted to our ideals. RIP dear friend.

Nigel Walters BSC