25 AUG 2016: Territory film & TV set to take off
With Labor’s announcement today of a $9 million package to kick-start the NT screen industry, matching the CLP’s own, recent, election commitment, Territory film and television production is now set to take off – whoever wins this weekend’s election.
For the first time, NT businesses in the film and television industry, which potentially exports Territory-made, Territory-owned products to more countries than any other, will be able to compete fully on the international stage.
“With both major parties now backing our industry, we’ll be able to show the great benefits to the NT economy of a thriving film and TV sector,” said Andrew Hyde, President of the ACS NT, which represents film-makers throughout the Territory. “It puts us, for the first time, on a more level playing field with the rest of Australia and enables us to compete internationally.”
The new investment, now guaranteed by both major parties, means that whichever party forms the next NT government will be able to lay claim to having ignited the development of an industry that may well prove to be one of the Territory’s most sustainable, successful and valuable in the long term.
“The return on investment in film and television production is hard to match in any other sector,” said leading Territory producer and founding President of the ACS NT, David Curl. “Not only does every dollar invested enable us to generate substantial interstate and export income. But it enables us to create products with enormous, indirect returns: our films and TV programs educate our children, help preserve our cultures, provide important health and welfare information for all our communities, and promote the Territory to huge international audiences.”
“We’ll now have the opportunity to foster a new generation of film-makers and TV producers, in every corner of the Territory, who can become significant players in this major, international industry. For the first time in Territory history, the future of this important sector of the economy looks bright.”
Andrew Hyde 0411 288005 (Darwin)
David Curl 0400 124433 (Alice Springs)
AUG 2016: CLP Government Screen Territory Funding Election Pledge
The Northern Territory Government has announced a commitment to increase funding for Screen Territory to $9 million over 4 years. The NT branch of the Australian Cinematographers Society acknowledges that for the first time in the Territory’s history, the local screen industry will be funded to fully compete on the national and international stage.
“This is a great advance and will bring substantial economic and social benefits to the NT over the coming decade,” said Andrew Hyde, President of the ACS NT, “It potentially puts us, for the first time, on a more level playing field as an industry with the rest of Australia. The current government has shown a willingness and commitment to engage and listen to industry, particularly over the past 18 months and this announcement is a platform for sustained industry growth.”
The government’s commitment reinvigorates Screen Territory, the agency set up by the Martin Government a decade ago but which had suffered from a lack of an effectively funded grants program and strategic direction.
“Northern Territory companies like Brindle Films, who produce projects such as the Alice Springs based ABC series 8MMM, have consistently being doing business on a chronically un-level playing field for many years,” said Andrew Hyde. “This announcement will provide real stimulus to local producers and confidence for NT screen enterprises to take their projects directly to the market place.”
“I expect to see a considerable increase in NT produced film projects reaching national and international screens as a result of this commitment,” said Andrew Hyde.
“Making films and television programs is a creative process, but it’s a business too,” said leading Territory producer and founding President of the ACS NT, Dr. David Curl. “No other industry can generate international revenue from every corner of the Territory quite like the creative sector. And now, Territorians will be able to create videos, films and TV programs, from anywhere in the NT, that help educate our children, preserve our cultures, promote the Territory to huge international audiences – all while bringing in export dollars to the Territory economy.”
The success of NT filmmakers on the national and international stage along with the Territory’s unrivalled stories and locations has long been recognised. However the ability of NT based screen enterprises to develop screen stories from the ground up has been inhibited by the lack of appropriate government stimulus and investment. This election commitment has the potential to finally shine a light on the Northern Territory stage.